Matt Ravikumar
2 min readDec 19, 2020


(photo source: sciencenews)

“Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood”. — Marie Curie

2020 is nearing its end. Many people dream of different life in 2021 wishing Covid as a bad dream in the night. Statistically, the cases hit 66.84 million, deaths at 1.53 million and recovery at 46.23 million as of 5 Dec 2020. People lost their jobs, changed careers, and went into ‘what’s next?’ questioning mode every day. The business and economic landscape changed a lot with uncertainty and doubt.

Human resolve prevails. There are many centenarians who recovered completely. The home took the center stage whether it is working from home or studying from home. The empty office building and traffic-free highways reminds the stark reality of the situation.

Many took an incredibly positive attitude and started caring for their own health. The empty shelves of toilet paper rolls in supermarkets saw people limiting…

